proof of work, only allowing the purchase certain foods and participating in community service work. In 2016, it was reported that, “41,170,732 people were receiving food stamps and their average monthly benefit was $158.22”. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program’s “Total annual cost for the food stamp program is $69,800,000,000 for the 41,170,732 Americans using the program. Of the total number of Americans using food stamps, 22,318,000 American households are receiving food stamps, accounting for 14% of the population” (Static Brain). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program has restrictions in place for items that can and cannot be bought with the use of food stamps.
Some items that may not be purchased with food stamps are, “Alcohol, cigarets, non-food items: foil, plastic bags, household supplies, pet food, medicine and more”(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)). SNAP may provide families with items such as, “Breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meats and dairy products” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)). Sugary food and drink items have been questioned whether they should be allowed to be purchased with the use of food stamps; the conclusion in this inquiry is that because items such as, “Soft drinks, candy, ice cream and bakery cakes are food items and are therefor eligible items. Energy drinks that have a nutrition facts label are eligible foods. Energy drinks that have a supplemental facts label are classified by the FDA as supplements, and are therefor not eligible” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program …show more content…
(SNAP)). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program fraud is defined as, “When SNAP benefits are exchanged for cash. SNAP fraud also happens when someone lies on their application to get benefits or to get more benefits than they are supposed to get” (Fraud). People can abuse this system are by continuing to request assistance after being financially stable to discontinue acceptance of SNAP benefits. Also, while receiving food stamps, those who have the highest end cars, and newest phones and designer clothes, are abusing the system as well. This is showing that the government is paying taxes to provide assistance to people who can afford nicer things than some hard working individuals. Fraud is not the only way to abuse the government system, however it is an issue in the United States. To be eligible to receive food stamps, an income test is used along with the size of the household. “In general, people must meet work requirements in order to be eligible for SNAP. These work requirements include registering for work, not voluntarily quitting a job or reducing hours, taking a job if offered, and participating in employment and training programs assigned by the State. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in disqualification from the program” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)). It is a great requirement for SNAP recipients to have a job. Sometimes it can be a challenge to provide for a family on a small budget, and the assistance is a good thing to be able to rely on to make sure there is food on the table. Being able to receive food stamps while times are tough and money is tight for those in need is fantastic, however, having a job and making money, to be able to provide for their own families is a great feeling of success. One solution to reduce abuse of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is to have the recipients provide proof of work, as required. By providing SNAP with this information, it would allow the program to document that the recipients are earning money to assist in paying bills and for future discontinuation of SNAP. This solution matches the program’s work requirements and would be a great resource to the government for ensuring benefits are going to someone who is really in need of assistance. Food stamps are meant for families who are in need of a financial assistance for a period of time, however some people enjoy the assistance with food costs and proceed to use the benefits of the program, abusing the government system. Some people may become dependent on the system, and as a way of life, are unsure how to survive without the aid of SNAP. By meeting the job requirements of the program, the fraud of SNAP could decrease and the system could not be abused any longer. The requirements of SNAP are a great way to ensure the recipients of government assistance do not abuse a program to provide for themselves or their families.
Another great solution to those who are receiving SNAP benefits is to attend a training to inform them how to purchase the most nutritious foods available to provide their families with good nutrient dense foods instead of purchasing potato chips, cookies and items that have little to no nutritional value. “Because junk food is cheaper than fruit and vegetables, poverty and obesity often go hand-in-hand. But, perplexingly, even after controlling for this association, some research suggests that the recipients of food stamps are slightly more likely to be obese” (Aldhous, P. 2013). Providing SNAP recipients with health education including healthy meal planning, shopping and cooking can help reduce obesity and health risks connected to the foods they are
consuming. Community service is a great way for someone who is unemployed to give back to the program for assisting them at a time when they are unable to find work. By requiring this from SNAP recipients, the communities could also be improved. Some activities may include picking up trash on the side of the roads, gardening at local buildings in town, or helping others who are in need as well. This could be a possible requirement as a replacement for unemployment until a job available. Giving back to the community could also result in possible job opportunities, through giving someone the opportunity to connect with others, practice job skills and increase their confidence in finding employment. With the restriction of purchasing certain foods, this could cut down on the obesity rate. A research conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found, “Overall, 40 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants were found to be obese”(Ross, Chuck, 2015, May 15). This is a large number, especially because only 14 percent of the US population is enrolled in the SNAP program. “Among adults, 28 percent of SNAP recipients were overweight and 44 percent are obese” (Ross, Chuck). If the program were to limit the number of items that may be purchased with the use of food stamps, such as sweets, energy drinks, soda, and other food items with little to no nutritional value and empty calories, the rate of obesity could decrease. The USDA also discovered, “Fourteen percent of children enrolled in the SNAP program were overweight while 24 percent are obese” (Ross, Chuck). Providing children with good nutritional valued foods, aids in proper growth and development as they are growing. As childhood obesity rates continue to rise, so does the incidence of diabetes, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and other health problems. By limiting sugary foods, fruits and vegetables are strongly recommended for proper health and wellness. Because junk food is cheaper, most people rely on those items to feed their families. However, with the nutritional value of these foods, they do not fill the body up, making them more likely to continue to eat until feeling full. As a result of filling the body with empty calories, obesity is a high risk factor. In conclusion, food stamps are a great resource for families who are in need of financial assistance to purchase food. So many people are in need of this assistance, however, some people abuse the system by continuing to gain food stamps when they are financially stable. By providing proof of work and bringing money into the family, the government could decide if the benefits should still be given to the families. Educating SNAP recipients on healthy meal planning, shopping and cooking, food stamp benefits could be used to the full extent on more nutritious foods. Limiting the items available for food stamp benefits could reduce the obese levels and health issues in America. Lastly, requiring SNAP recipients to participate in community service activities to give back to the communities in which those tax payers are paying for those in need to receive these benefits. There are many great and effective options on how to get the most out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and getting those in need of financial assistance the help they need.