In the early twentieth century the Nazi party (NSDAP) was a small extremist party renowned for it's use of violence and its beliefs such as anti-Semitism and anti-marxism. The party believed that the treaty of Versailles was wrong and unfair thus needed opposing; this was done through a military coup that ultimately failed due to a lack of support. However between 1930 and 1933 the fortunes of the Nazi party completely changed, this transformation was not only due to Hitler’s talents as a politician but also his personality, the use of propaganda, political manoeuvring, the change in support and the use of the SA and violence.
Prior to 1930 Hitler allied himself to Alfred Hugenberg in opposing the young plan, this aided the parties future growth and political prestige as it provided them with both financial and political support. This allegiance made the party seem less radical and less suspicious, Hitler could use this to his advantage as it supplied them with new respectability and national stature. This change in public views can be seen in election results from the late 1920's and the early 1930's; in 1928 the party had 0.8 million voters, where as in 1932 there was a significant increase as the July elections showed the Nazi party had 13.7 million voters.
This change in support was largely due to Hitler’s skills as a politician and the manipulation propaganda provided in aiding him. The organisation of the party allowed Hitler to organise areas into a specific group (Gaul) that was directly answerable to him; this allowed him to target the needs of each individual area and in doing so focus on solving their problems. This use of organisation and political manoeuvring highlighted Hitler's strength as a politician through his ability to focus on problems that affected the welfare