A Place of Slavery
By Dr George Hajjar Ph.D
A glimpse into the role of the Academia
In the Capitalist Order
Over forty years ago, I wrote a memo for the ‘60s:” The University – a Place of Slavery” in the heat of the battle. I did not alter or revise the text so that the reader of the second decade of the 21st century can capture the temper and the spirit of the exciting ‘60s.
The memo is self-explanatory; it is hubris and upheavals with a Sparticist touch and it includes the literature of the epoch with its divergent perspectives . Moreover, it embraces Rousseau’s Emile in the age of Enlightenment, the forerunner to the French Revolution and the education for liberation and the rediscovery of the humankind. …show more content…
In other words, his vocation to the altars of the super-gods has a history of its own which we only mention in passing to explain the virulence of his temperament and the certainty of his rectitude. The anointed one, having graduated from a higher Heaven, was recruited by a lesser Heaven. This he considered a partial fall since he had hoped that mediocre Heavens would at least offer him a post. The reason for their silence was very simple. Lacking the manners and the social distinction of their class, he was deemed unfit for mediocrity. Therefore, higher and mediocre Heavens had no place for this unwashed angel who merely possessed training and intelligence and had neither the graces nor the contacts necessary for the circulation in mediocre and higher Heavens. Thus, by fate, our angel had only lesser Heavens to seek and be sought by. Hence his unhappy consignment to a Heaven where neither intelligence nor scholarship mattered and where piety prevailed. The conditions of piety are simple and clear. One from above, pleases flunky prospective angels and learns to appreciate the environment of Christian love and beatitude of his superiors who in turn bless and honour their superiors. All levels of superiors are the civil servants of the Board of Gods, the fountainhead of goodness, wisdom, love, virtue, prudence and all conceivable values. In this seat of power, the true gods dwell. The executors of their orders are to be henceforth known as the seraphims. In other lands, the seraphims are known as professors whose mission it is to disseminate the wisdom of the gods and make it possible for them to perpetuate their rule. Since the Board of Gods is preoccupied in dealing with other gods at the same level, it follows that the seraphims are the functionaries of our Heaven. Now the seraphims are of two kinds – Napoleons and mini-Napoleons with one Napoleon at the apex and four at the base of the