Col. Patrocinio Artuz National High School
Taft Tapaz, Capiz
“The Utilization Of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea)
As A Skin Moisturizer”
Prepared by: Jonas James G. Dignadice
I. Title
II. Abstract
III. Introduction
a). Background of the Study
b). Statement of the Problem
c.) Objectives
d.) Scope and Limitation
e.) Definition of Terms
f.) Review of the Related Literature
IV. Methodology
a.) Materials
b.) Procedures
V. Results and Discussions
VI. Conclusion
VII. Recommendation
VIII. Bibliography
Abstract This paper aims to know the feasibility of Broccoli plant to make an organic skin moisturizer soap without any harmful effect to the consumer and also to substitute to the other commercialize moisturizer soap. Cold Process Soap making probably the way your great grandparent used to made their handmade soap at home. The chemical process to create soap requires a few different ingredients that have to be present in order to the end result of the chemical reaction to be a moisturizer soap. First, our main ingredient to make a moisturizer soap is the Broccoli plant and second Fatty acids, and there lots of type of oils but we will use only the Coconut oil. Then, we will also need a Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or also can be called Lye or Caustic Soda. The Lye is dissolve in liquid water and adds into the Coconut oil and your Broccoli too. And when those three different types of ingredient combines together it starts the process called Saponification and that the process is over and the result of the combination of the ingredient is soap moisturizer. So therefore, organic soap moisturizer is much better than the other moisturizer soap because it is organic and the soap is not hazardous in the environment and to the consumers.
Background of the Study The dryness and oiliness of the skin are one of the common problems of
Bibliography: According to Ashley Miller (Aug. 16 2013) anyone can develop dry skin, at any age, although it occurs more frequently during dry, winter months. Using proper skin care products including soaps can help to minimize the appearance of dry skin.