I am inspired by those that act because the actors are challenging themselves and playing a role that they had most likely never played before. As the audience, I am absorbed into the characters’ world and how the little mannerisms of each character complete the play as a whole. I am an absolute fanatic for theatrical performances, whether it be a play, musical, or dance. I think that performers have to express themselves effortlessly, unbeknownst to the audience. By experiencing it firsthand through pit orchestra, I was fully able to appreciate how much time was put into the preparation of of a performance. As a student at Wellesley, I will be frequenting the musicals and plays performed by the theater because the fine arts is what fuels my imagination. Also through participating in pit, I learned that many, many hours are put into creating a fantastic, emotion-wrought performance. It is not just the actors that create the atmosphere, it is also the musicians. Along with the actors and possibly the music, there are more people that put the time into making the play “perfect”, something that the audience usually does not know or does not see. For this reason, I am very excited to learn that there is a theater (aka a place to watch plays/musicals/perform as a pit member) because whether I
I am inspired by those that act because the actors are challenging themselves and playing a role that they had most likely never played before. As the audience, I am absorbed into the characters’ world and how the little mannerisms of each character complete the play as a whole. I am an absolute fanatic for theatrical performances, whether it be a play, musical, or dance. I think that performers have to express themselves effortlessly, unbeknownst to the audience. By experiencing it firsthand through pit orchestra, I was fully able to appreciate how much time was put into the preparation of of a performance. As a student at Wellesley, I will be frequenting the musicals and plays performed by the theater because the fine arts is what fuels my imagination. Also through participating in pit, I learned that many, many hours are put into creating a fantastic, emotion-wrought performance. It is not just the actors that create the atmosphere, it is also the musicians. Along with the actors and possibly the music, there are more people that put the time into making the play “perfect”, something that the audience usually does not know or does not see. For this reason, I am very excited to learn that there is a theater (aka a place to watch plays/musicals/perform as a pit member) because whether I