The Workingmen’s Party was a political party that was inspired by Karl Marx. This was made up of men who lived in Charlestown, Massachusetts that believed that they were not being paid and treated fairly for the work that they provided. “Our labor has digged the canals, and constructed the railways, which are intersecting the country in all directions.” (127) These men were giving the labors in the United States a voice. They were the people who were building, and creating everything for the capitalists, yet they were not making the same amount of money as them. …show more content…
This protest happened in September 2011 and it began because of the 2008 financial crisis, which prevented banks from bailing people out, caused the failure of many key businesses like New Century Financial, and dropped the stock markets world wide. This protest was formed in order to bring awareness to how little the United States Government cared about the 99 percent of the American population. These people were losing their homes, their jobs, and their insurances while the executives continued to receive “exorbitant bonuses.” (224) During this time the government and businesses would tell their employees that they were loosing their health care because they hired more employees and they didn’t have enough money to give everyone a paycheck and health care. The Workingmen’s Party and Occupy Wall Street happened over 200 years apart, yet they still face the same problems. The labors are working for corporations that do not pay their workers