ASSIGMENT NO :: 02 COURSE CODE :: BSE-352 COURSE TITLE : Technical report writing SESSION :: 2010-2014 SEMESTER :: 5th NAME OF STUDENT :: Almas Shabbir. ROLL NUMBER :: 16 (Evening). SUBMITTED TO :: Prof. Kashif Ali Abbas.
“The year 2050”
In the last fifty years the world has undergone a great deal of transformation. There has been incredible progress in almost all spheres of life. The vistas of knowledge and advancement have grown beyond human imagination.
What has been witnessed in the past five decades stands testimony to the fact that however wild imagination may be, it only takes a little time to come true. From what were merely stories of yesterday, which go popularly under the name of science fiction or sci-fi, the musings have become reality today.
And what does one know; one day the sci-fi movies that are made today may no longer appeal, as they would already become reality. With technology reinventing itself every few weeks, it is quite likely that in another five decades the world is going to be a changed place.
Life is actually going to be very cushy, as the physical movement to accomplish task would have minimized. The quality of life would have improved tremendously, as all the objects of material comforts are at hand. Automation is expected to banish the word drudgery for all times to come.
Man is scaling the ladder of scientific progress by leaps and bounds. With the enhanced understanding of the human body we are likely to lead healthier lives. Cures for diseases would not be as difficult or unaffordable as they are now.
In all probability, robots and computer controlled