“There’s always tomorrow for dreams to come true. Tomorrow is not far away”
Economics Reflection
A few years ago I was in realization as a sixth grader that I was only halfway done my public school career now, as a tenth grader, I realize that I have less than three years until I graduate with my high school diploma as an adult. And when it seems like I’m just a kid and my whole life is ahead of me I’m living it now and the life that I’m looking forward to and seems to be so far away is so close. Having any sort of idea of what I am going to do with the rest of my life can point me in the right direction to make decisions that could change my whole future. After high school I am going to college, for what I’m not sure but I do know the more you invest in your education the better equipped you will be for your job therefore making a higher income to become financially stable and independent. For work I want to be in a recession proof job because I learned from today’s recession and its effects on the individual that even though you make all the right financial decisions that you could end up with nothing, I’m interested in the sciences so possibly being a PA (physician’s assistant) which would require a five year college program. But because of all of those college bills and debt, having a part time job throughout would be vital in ensuring I can pay for all of my schooling. After finishing all requirements for schooling I hope to be working in the medical field as soon as possible, hopefully having a job opportunity right out of college. Before my thirties I would like to be married. I do like kids but at my age thinking about starting a family is so far in the future and at such a different maturity level my idea of the future of having a family could be totally different as time goes on. But as of right now I’m hoping to have started a family by my early to mid-thirty’s. And