Title: Human Resource Management System for KETI Coatings INC.
Proponents: Bregole , Edmond L.
Isonza, Lesle S.
Lauherta, Jeronie C. Jr
Llantos , Felipe P.
Mata , Luzviminda E.
Oclarit, Christelle M.
Adviser: Josephine T. Pingul
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
The Human Resource is one of the departments in the company, which coordinates the concerns of the employees. The subsystem of it is the following; employee records, payroll, benefits, labor relations, performance and evaluation. The Proponents develop a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) for the KETI Coatings Inc. To develop an efficient and effective Human Resource Management Software that collects, manage and analyze the performance of the employee. vi vi
The System is on a LAN – Based network that has an administrator that collects and manages the subsystem, the system has a four modules and one administrator. These sub modules namely, recruitment management, employee management, payroll, attendance management. The Recruitment module, add employee information, edit, delete, update and save the employee details. The module is on hiring process of the applicant, however if the applicant did not hired, the employee information still remain on the system. The second module is the Employee Management System that keeps the employee records of the employee; the EMS is get the information form the recruitment module, the recruitment sends the files of the hired employee to store at the EMS. The HR staff could still add information such as; follow up requirements form, change of surname, SSS number insurance and Philhealth. The EMS overview the shift management, leave management and view the report attendance management. EMS has an access to view, edit, and update and delete the shift management that generates the schedule of employee per time and day. However, if the employee is newly hired schedule will be on the day shift and record by the