Research Design
Descriptive Research is the methodology that presents a non-experimental type of research of which the purpose is to observe, describe document aspects of the situation or event as it naturally occurs. It may be done quantitatively that is through a questionnaire. The study focuses at the present condition and the purpose of the research.
Research Settings The studies choose Our Lady of Fatima University as the locale of the research. Our lady of Fatima University Quezon City Campus is bound to the La Mesa Dam and overlook the mountains of Rizal Province and Bulacan.
Research Subject The respondents of this research should be a homosexual males who had a perception about their own relationship.
Sampling Method
A random-sampling is used. A sample in which a member of a group of respondents have an equal and independent chance of being selected. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process.
Research Instrument This study will use survey questionnaires, the instruments as a principal means of collecting and gathering of any specific data needed to answer the study the researcher used and interview guide with contains questions regarding the perceptions of a homosexual males in their relationship toward the truth awareness of researches to respondents.
Data Gathering The researchers identified a problem and decided to choose the topic about homosexuals relationships and limited it by trying to focus and establish boundaries and come up with the title “Love or Lust: Perceptions of homosexual males on their relationship”, to make the study manageable and more specific. The proponents formulated by the hypothesis with factual, unbiased, truthful and convincing evidence gathered through visiting some libraries, reading books, magazines and thesis, and browsing internet to get only the