1.1 Background of the Study
Knowing the status of the academic performance of a student at the end of the semester will save time, money and the anxiety of the students. In this generation of information technology, computer is considered the lifeblood of society. This technology has changed the ways of life work and the times. The technology, both in hardware and software, keeps changing, day in and day out, improving its performance.
This is because as the latest knowledge of development in computer technology grows, the people’s standard increases; as the technology improves, the human standardize itself increases. They seek for better and more efficient ways to accomplish difficult task. At this time, a person has adopted the modern technology. The use of this technology resulted to the computerized for greater ease and accuracy.
The time of waiting for the result and the cost of money for transportation in order to know the performance result of the grades make the students think some actions that will save their money and time. For students who commute and take three rides to reach their school, they can only rely on their classmates who live nearer to their school by texting them if they have passed or not. In this way those who live afar need not go to school for this information alone. A means of addressing this problem will be the aim of this project study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The main problem of this project proposal was on how to save money and time and to reduce the anxiety of the students in inquiring about the status of their academic performance at the end of the semester.
This project proposal aimed to answer the following questions:
1. Does this alert system would help the students determine their grade status periodically?
2. What would be advantages of this system academically?
3. What is the significant difference in obtaining periodically grades result, traditional and sms alert system?
4. What
References: A. Bibliography [21] Magandia, Salman T., 2009.”Remote Administration of a Computer Based Assessment (Student Statement of Account) through SMS”