Improving Decision Making Within a College Union
Susan Lee Blanchard, 0910635
May 4, 2014
University Canada West
First I want to thank my advisor, Dr. Carol-Anne Faint, for her encouragement and exceptional advising skills. She supervised this research paper with stellar knowledge and direction. Thanks, too, for the bevy of suggestions from my second reader, Dr. Graeme Coetzer, whose three solid pages of advice improved my paper immeasurably.
This research is dedicated to the union at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
(SAIT). The dedicated and tireless union employees drive hard to advance the rights of the skilled faculty they represent, and their devotion to improving work conditions at the college is genuine. Finally, thanks for the pillars of support and love from my husband, Eugene, and daughter, Mariah, who shouldered many of my frustrations over the past six years. They stood by me with poise and strength through tough times and cheered me on when I became a straight-A student. IMPROVING DECISION MAKING WITHIN A COLLEGE UNION
Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1
Why Decision Making Merits Study ......................................................................1
Study Purpose and Research Questions .................................................................4
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