
Thesis Statement For Animal Testing

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Thesis Statement For Animal Testing
This article is about the inhumane practice of testing on animals. It briefly describes what animal testing is and what animals are used. It provides statistics to back up the author’s statements. The author also explains what is wrong with animal testing and gives some alternatives. The author’s limited subject in the article is animal testing. I believe that the thesis statement is: “The term "animal testing" refers to procedures performed on living animals for purposes of research into basic biology and diseases, assessing the effectiveness of new medicinal products, and testing the human health and/or environmental safety of consumer and industry products such as cosmetics, household cleaners, food additives, pharmaceuticals and industrial/agro-chemicals.” The author’s thesis describes that the article will be discussing the issue of animal testing and what it is used for. This article gives terrific statistics and facts about the harms of animal testing and explains the problems associated with it well. …show more content…
I have many pets from fish and ferrets to dogs and cats. Before, I’ve had rabbits, horses, and pigs. As an avid Facebook user, I often see animals for sale and posts about missing or lost animals. I also commonly see pictures of injured animals that have been selflessly taken care of by others besides their owners. Commercials are broadcasted all over television by the ASPCA to get you to donate your money for animals in need. But, my question remains, why do we broadcast all of these poor innocent animals but never once bring in the thought of the helpless animals that are being tested on for human

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