Introduction “The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein Active communication in English is what counts in today’s globalized world. It is very important to have large deposit of words. O’Connor explained why large vocabularies characterize executives and possibly outstanding men and women in other fields. The final answer seems to be that words are the instruments by means of which men and women grasp the thoughts of others and with which they do much of their own thinking. They are the “tools of thought.” The benefits of effective communication are many and obvious in many aspects of life. Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. It is also the collection of words a person knows and uses in speaking and writing. So, it is a natural desire to expand one’s vocabulary as bigger supply of words increases the chances of succeeding in studies, career and even personal relationships. It is important to develop the skills of using the right words under different circumstances. And as for ESL students, having a store of vocabulary in mind is already an advantage. In writing or speaking, control over words is often the same as control over ideas the words represent. Enriching one’s vocabulary leads to understanding a lot of things and improves one’s language skills. Working in this direction, will be able to improve not only our vocabulary but the quality of life as well. The range of our vocabulary is a clue to our education and our impression of our abilities.
Background of the Study The vocabulary of a language is always changing and growing. As life becomes more complex, people devise or borrow new words to describe human activity, and they change the meanings of existing words to fit new circumstances. No one knows the exact number of English words