
Things They Carried Rhetorical Analysis

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Things They Carried Rhetorical Analysis
The Things They Carried Argument Essay

Most people are not war veterans, and will never truly understand how soldiers felt when serving. But emotions are a common concept among people, and as people experience life they endure different emotions through different situations. When reading The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, you are shown through storytelling how the soldier felt when they were in Vietnam. Each story has different connections with different emotions to show how the soldier felt. When the reader can make emotional connections to a story by understanding the feelings associated with fear, guilt, and loneliness, O’Brien then has broken his rule of how to write a true war story. As human beings, we attach ourselves to objects
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The story shows how a odd friendship between Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk came to be. The overall story sounds very skeptical as Jensen and Strunk “got into a fishfight. It was about something stupid-a missing jackknife” (O’Brien 62) and then Jensen “borrowed a pistol, gripped it by the barrel, and used it like a hammer to break his own nose” (O’Brien 63). The story has a point of showing how Jensen’s emotion made him believe that he need to break his own nose because he obviously was struggling with the fact of being in war and was lonely. At the end of “Enemies”, Jensen asked Strunk if everything between them was alright, which then shows how Jensen was struggling with being engulfed in the war and need to escape the war somehow, and that somehow was forming a friendship with Strunk.
O’Brien uses his rule of how to tell a true war story to make the reader think. By engaging the reader, he is able to better tell the stories he wants to tell. He created his rules to have readers think and question the truth behind every story in The Things They Carried, and that's how it should be with stories. You should never be able to just know the truth of the story, the best stories are the stories that engage the reader to think. When O’Brien breaks his rule, he is showing other authors how unique storytelling is and there are no set rules when crafting a

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