The drug is prepared as a sterile powder and after reconstitution with an appropriate diluent is administered by the intravenous route.
Starting after World War II as a way of treating war neuroses, psychiatrists used Thiopental Sodium as part of narcotherapy, a drug treatment that is comparable to hypnosis. A psychiatrist would administer a very small dose of the drug, causing the patient 's heart rate to slow, relieving tension and anxiety and producing a state of complete relaxation. Narcotherapy 's goal was to make the patient more gullible to suggestion than normal, allowing the psychiatrist to uncover hidden feelings or memories. Hypnosis only works on about 20% of the population, the use of sedatives as a part of narcotherapy a better alternative way to find the truth.
Thiopental Sodium received the nickname Truth Serum because its effects caused patients to become very talkative, talking about thoughts easily without resistance. While under the effect of the drug the patient may lose his inhibitions, but does not lose self-control. So a patient will not tell the truth if he chooses not to. Like in the movie True Lies the character struggles not to tell the truth, but eventually gives up and starts to tell the truth. Thiopental Sodium as a way of determining the truth depends
Cited: Born, Robert "Erowid Psychoactive Vaults" The Vaults of Erowid. "Chemical Details" Sourcerer, The Source of UK Chemicals. "High Incident Sodium Pentothal" Science Web.