room of Jackie Lantry. As he came into the room, Ms. Lantry asked the people who dropped him off what his favorite food was and they replied, “noodles”. After the door closed, her son kept kicking, screaming, and crying. All Jackie could do was hold his arms down until he fell asleep. While asleep, she ordered every single noodles dish from room service for her son. When he woke up, he started crying again. Ms. Lantry pointed to the noodles and he quickly stopped crying and proceeded to eat his favorite meals. Later that day, Jackie and her new family, went on a walk outside the hotel when the boy, Luke, mentioned the moon and became disappointed when he was unable to touch it. At first, he started to throw a fit, but Jackie took him back to the hotel room and gave him a bath. Immediately, Luke started to cry about the bath; however, when Jackie started splashing the water and playing with him, he began to have fun and enjoy the bath. Soon after that, Jackie put clothes on him and read him a book that peaked his interest. Over time, the scared little boy was no longer terrified and began to enjoy life. He had made friends at school and was smart. When the boy’s life was falling apart, Jackie showed him endless love and showed him how to love others the way she had selflessly loved him. In order for Jackie to even have hope that Luke would become more content, she had to believe in the power of love. Although, raising Luke and making him feel loved was rarely easy, believing it was possible is what made it possible. Therefore, the world is held together by others believing that change is possible and attainable. If Jackie did not have hopes that Luke would be a much more jubilant kid, then what was her point in adopting him. She knew that she could love him and transform his life. In order to have any hope at all, Jackie had to believe in herself and her power of love. The love she had for Luke had to take over her mind in order to believe he could be transformed and healed. Through everyone’s ability to love a child or another human the way Jackie did, the world will change. Belief in love and the extreme power it contains must be understood in order to put it to action. When people realize how much love can impact a person, the more people will start believing in love and its abilities to change. While it may seem small for one person to only choose one other person to love, if everyone is loving someone it will hold the world together. It is near impossible for anyone to make it through life alone, but with everyone believing in hope and restoration for life, the world will remain intact. The belief of something to have a power can mend the world and shape others similar to the way selflessness is able to allow others to heal. The idea that belief is positive is also demonstrated through selflessness of a young lady who put others needs ahead of her own in order to allow them to heal. When Ms. Sullivan was sixteen, her fifth grade math teacher had passed away and her father told her that she must always go to the funeral. Reluctantly, Sullivan went to the funeral and told her previous teacher’s parents how much she will be missed. Although this was not her first funeral, it was her first funeral by herself. She did not want to go at all but she was able to put her needs behind her and support the people who had lost their loved one. To this day, the parents of her old teacher still remember Sullivan showing up to the funeral and remembering how much she cared. From then on out, she went to all of the funerals. Even when she had a party to go to or it was happy hour, she took the time to go in, support the family, and give her regrets. Sullivan realized that even though it is the simplest gesture, it means the world to people. When her father died and she felt numb inside, it was the support of people on a Wednesday morning showing how much they care that she will always remember. In the midst of her pain and heartache, the love others showed helped her through her darkest points. The belief of Sullivan’s father about always going to the funeral, shows how one selfless act can change a person’s heart. It gives the world something to hold on to when a person puts their needs behind someone else’s needs. Often times, simple, selfless acts by people to neighbors, friends, and even strangers give help to those when most needed. Furthermore, it gives the person a chance to regain strength and heal so they can return to fulfilling their purpose in life. When a person falls down, it only takes one person to help them up and make them feel better. Additionally, when a person is struggling with something the help he or she may receive from others allows the world to continue peacefully. Therefore, believing that people can be selfless is a positive idea because it gives hope to those without any. Belief shapes, transforms, and heals hearts because it shows that something more is attainable. Selflessness is a small part of the world that gives people hope for brighter days. Some days, the only belief a person can hold on to is the faith that tomorrow will be a better day.
One evening when Josh Rittenberg was sixteen years old he overheard his parents having a conversation about how the future of Josh’s generation was dark and evil. His father was extremely worried about the thought of the new generations running the world. When hearing this news, Josh was on the couch looking at some old pictures when he saw some of his grandparents and great-grandparents. He realized his family had lived to see two world wars, killer flu, segregation, nuclear bombs, and much more. However, Josh also realized that they have saw how the world kept changing, evolving, and adapting to all of the circumstances coming at them. During all the hardship, Josh’s grandpa and great-grandpas also saw civil rights movements, polio vaccine, and the Red Sox win the world series. After seeing all his family had been through, he understood that his generation could handle situations the same way and create a better tomorrow. Although Josh may not know what the future holds, he understands it will be better and that life moves on. From since he was a little kid, all Josh would ever hear is that tomorrow would be better. Therefore, when his father fret about the future, Josh went to him and reminded him of his childhood philosophy that tomorrow will always be better. It is very easy to become very bitter at the world; however, having faith in the fact that tomorrow is better is what grounded Josh to his beliefs. In Josh’s story, belief is a positive that helps him make it through each day. Without his faith in his core values, Josh would have nothing to hold on to. Everyday, people like Josh all choose something to have faith in because it gives them hope for a brighter future. It proves how beliefs can ground people to the world and transform it to the better. With a faith that believes, it always is better, nothing is able to stop life’s circumstances from being
better. Furthermore, believing in anything as strong as faith can encompass thoughts and hold the world together. Even though it may be the beliefs of one person, if more and more people adopt the idea of having faith in the future, then their lives are unstoppable. Believing it is better, makes it better. Generally, faith is not something people have; however, it provides everyone with the opportunity to believe in greatness and have hope for the future years. Belief continues to remain the positive aspect of life that sustains thought and holds the world together through the concepts of endless love, selflessness, and faith. All three of the stories are wonderful reminders about the beauty and hardships of life. However, they all show the readers that behind an amazing life were core beliefs that helped hold them together. Without beliefs, there would be no hope to give to people for a better life and future. Believing is anything gives everyone a chance to explore life’s endless possibilities and bring about hope to all in need.