Thomas Jefferson is regarded as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He was truly a founding father when the United States was arguably at a vulnerable state. Jefferson was a political intellectual, he held many different positions all shaping him to become the renowned president he was. His authorization of the Deceleration of Independence and his several places in government leading up and including his presidency manifested a greatness that has been idolized by Americans ever since. Thomas Jefferson was born into the planter class, which allowed him to receive a great education and to be especially skilled in writing. The skills he formed and his ambition was also a result of his personal characteristics throughout his young adult life. While he attended college he spent most of his time only on scholarly pursuits and on improving his physical attributes. This was important to getting where he wanted to be and clearly separated him from his peers. There was something different about Thomas Jefferson. He was committed to his ambitions. It has been recalled that he was not a great speaker. This may be one of the reasons that leadership was not a quality his peers first saw in him when he was elected to the House of Burgesses. Eventually through his writing that strongly advocated independence from Great Britain it became clear that Thomas Jefferson was a man that believed in the cause and would have a large role in it. Most people will revere the importance of Thomas Jefferson on the fact that he wrote the Declaration of Independence. It may be seen as one of the most common and basic things about him, but that should not discredit the importance of the document. The Declaration of Independence was the most critical document that severed all ties with Great Britain. While it greatly announced that to Britain it also was a written expression of rights that Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson is regarded as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He was truly a founding father when the United States was arguably at a vulnerable state. Jefferson was a political intellectual, he held many different positions all shaping him to become the renowned president he was. His authorization of the Deceleration of Independence and his several places in government leading up and including his presidency manifested a greatness that has been idolized by Americans ever since. Thomas Jefferson was born into the planter class, which allowed him to receive a great education and to be especially skilled in writing. The skills he formed and his ambition was also a result of his personal characteristics throughout his young adult life. While he attended college he spent most of his time only on scholarly pursuits and on improving his physical attributes. This was important to getting where he wanted to be and clearly separated him from his peers. There was something different about Thomas Jefferson. He was committed to his ambitions. It has been recalled that he was not a great speaker. This may be one of the reasons that leadership was not a quality his peers first saw in him when he was elected to the House of Burgesses. Eventually through his writing that strongly advocated independence from Great Britain it became clear that Thomas Jefferson was a man that believed in the cause and would have a large role in it. Most people will revere the importance of Thomas Jefferson on the fact that he wrote the Declaration of Independence. It may be seen as one of the most common and basic things about him, but that should not discredit the importance of the document. The Declaration of Independence was the most critical document that severed all ties with Great Britain. While it greatly announced that to Britain it also was a written expression of rights that Jefferson