
Thomas Jefferson's Theory Of Civil Disobedience

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Thomas Jefferson's Theory Of Civil Disobedience
Does peaceful resistance to laws positively or negatively impact a democracy? Civil disobedience is a form of peaceful political protest in an active opposition to comply with certain laws considered unjust while accepting the consequences. Within the history of the United States of America three instances that support that civil disobedience impacts a free society positively consist of a paper by Harris g. Mirkin known as Rebellion, Revolution, and the Constitution "Thomas Jefferson's theory of civil disobedience", Martin Luther King Jr's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", and a related current event portraying a positive outcome of civil disobedience.
"Thomas Jefferson's theory of civil disobedience" states that the men who proposed the constitution were leaders of the American Revolution and the citizens of the new Republic who had fought in the war absorbed the ideology of revolution. Jefferson the author of the Declaration of
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As on July 12, 2016 Corey Menafee a former employee at Yale's Calhoun college shattered a stained glass window depicting African American slaves carrying bales of cotton in a snowy cotton field. Menafee was a janitor at Yale University for years as he would keep his eyes on the floor while he swept the dining hall floors. The school was named after the former vice president John C. Calhoun who advocated for slavery. However over years of protests from African American students due to the windows presence the school refused to remove it. Menafee did not understand why in the 21st century he had to go to work to see that image everyday. He eventually decided to deal with the issue on his own, and shattered the window with a broomstick. His act of civil disobedience costed him his job initially, but was memorable to many as it positively gave the African American population a voice and the notice they desperately needed. Yale stated that it would allow him to return to work on July

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