“The boys, it's said, grew up 'afraid of each other'. They bit, hammered, battered, tortured each other." Surprisingly it was Jon Venables who had the record of violence, the boy that came from the home with the well presented mother who was at court everyday where on the other hand Thompsons mother was rarely seen which then she was slated as not being their for her child. Like everything society plays a massive role and i believe that these boys learned a lot in the street as there mothers ‘wasn’t there’ for them and i would blame society more so for their behaviour than i would parents. Venable and Thompson came from families which would be classed low along the socioeconomic spectrum, and the question is being asked is it the parents fault? Whenever a child or a teenager from a higher class commits a murder that question is never asked because money and class is …show more content…
But this does not mean that they are going to grow up to be a model child. Even though majority of killers come from a broke home or will have a lot of baggage they still committed the crime therefore the parents cannot take the blame. When a child commits a crime the parents are being punished enough in the media and in the streets. Lot of the have to move away from their family home and get new identities this is punishment enough as they didn’t do anything wrong, but try and bring up their child to the best of their