The main skill being time management, which is something I can carry with me through the rest of my life. By learning how to balance my life now, I am teaching myself how to balance things in my life later when the circumstances for failing to do so could be much greater. The main lesson, is that nothing worth having comes easy. Nothing. If it was easy, everyone would do it, and then it wouldn’t be as unique and valuable. That’s the mindset I try to have whenever I’m discouraged or frustrated with these things. A real life of example of this is when I’m writing this speech. I had a tournament all weekend, and practices all night each day so far this week, and so I am writing this at 5:19 in the morning before school. Realizing how much I sacrifice keeps more that much more motivated and focused on being …show more content…
Throughout my life, I’ve had lots of friends come and go. And yes, I understand that many childhood and high school friendships aren’t the kind that last and you will often only keep a handful of friends from high school and college when it is all said and done. There have been many times when I thought I had found one of those friends. When I thought I’d found someone that I would for sure continue to be friends with years down the road. But, every single time that person, for an assortment of different reasons, would end up losing their friendship with me. These were often people that I had trusted, confided in, and naively thought that there was no way they would do me wrong, until they did. Although it took me several times of going through the heartbreak of losing a friend to realize it, my family would always be there and they would not pull that kind of stuff. Your family is the real deal, they are blood, they are people that wouldn’t leave you for some weak reason. So I ask you, to never take your family for granted because they are the ones that will always have your