Grade 9 Visual Arts
Topic: Textile and Design Manipulation Topic: Tie Dye
Time: 4 sessions x 30 mins each
General Objective
To be able to use appropriate materials to create designs on fabric by various tie dyeing techniques.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
✓ 1. Define Tie Dye
✓ 2. List materials needed for tie dyeing
✓ 3. Explain Tie Dye as a resist dyeing
✓ 4. Know different techniques and explain each of them
✓ 5. Define single, double and triple dyeing while explaining colour change
✓ 6. Tie dye a piece of fabric to be used as head tie or wrap.
Resist Repel Mordant Fixative Tritik Ruching
Major Concepts
Tie Dye: a form of fabric decoration technique in which cord and other articles are used as resist
Double Dyeing: process of dyeing two times..
Repel: to keep off
Resist: to prevent the dye from soaking into the fabric.
Mordant: type of chemical that is used to allow the dye to stay on the fabric. Mordants are mostly used in natural dye. Natural dye is made from things such as plants for example onion skin.
Fixative: vinegar and salt which allow the dye to stay fast on the fabric. Used mostly in hot water dye. They are also forms of mordant.
Tritik: A tie dye technique that is sewn
Ruching: Tie dye technique that the cord is rolled in the fabric which gives a crushed cotton look.
Colour Change: the ability to blend two or more colours which will cause a new colour to occur.
Pre-requisite Skill: knowledge of colour.
Introduction Students will observe other students model African Wrap in Tie Dye.
❖ Step 1.