Timothy Walter "Tim" Burton is an American film director, writer, and animator. Burton is best known for his quirky, gothic, child-like style within his films which many find enjoyable. Some films that convey his style well are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, and Corpse Bride. Certain cinematic techniques used in these films have an effect on the audience that usually makes specific scenes memorable viewing it for the first time.
One cinematic technique that Tim Burton chooses to use throughout his films is framing. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a longshot was used to show the colorful candy factory establishing the setting. With this longshot, the audience finally sees the mysterious factory of Willy Wonka, showing the brightly colored candy, usually colors of lime green and …show more content…
A focus that is most recognized and praised by fans is the lighting techniques Burton decided to use within these films. For example, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Burton chose to use low-key lighting to present the town to the audience. This portrays the town as a glum place to live creating a depressing effect. With this use of lighting, the audience can anticipate the contrast between the town and the factory, and feel upset for the people living in the conditions of the town.
In Edward Scissorhands, Burton decided to create a contrast between the pastel town and the dark, mysterious castle. Through the use of high-key lighting on the town, it creates the seclusion of the main character, Edward who lives in the low-key lit castle. The vibrant pastel colors stick out to the audience, while the colorless castle sits far away from the town, judged by the citizens. Without the use of low-key and high-key lighting, the audience would not understand the separation and wonder of the castle and the social