Communication Skill Presentation
Time Management
Time management is the most important asset one can have these days, with the collapse of traditional values any person can find himself running a few, parallel different lives all at once.
Time management is not about doing too many things in less time but doing right things at right time in right way. How you manage your time is part of your personal agenda
To utilise the available time in optimum manner to achieve one’s personal and professional goals
As the Chinese proverb says “You can make money; you can’t make time”
We will be considering time management in the organizational perspective
Planning is key managerial function but research shows that less than 5% of management time goes on planning
Pareto Principle : It says that 20 % of the work takes 80% of your time and remaining 80% of work is completed in 20% of your time
Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix
Quadrant 1: Quadrant of Necessity
You will find your crises or emergencies listed here. This quadrant screams for our attention because of its urgent and consequential nature. However, many people fall into the trap of getting caught up in Q-1. By spending all our time here, we become consumed with firefighting everyday instead of crisis prevention. Side effects include stress, burn-out, constant firefighting and resolving problems instead of preventing them in the first place. We often see working level employees, advertising executives, accountants, etc. getting consumed by this quadrant.
Quadrant 3: Quadrant of Deception
Some people spend a lot of time dealing with Q-3 tasks and confusing them with Q-1 tasks. They think the tasks are important when it is otherwise. For example, you may be spending a lot of time on a certain report which does not