Along with many other qualities, elephants are often known to symbolize stability, reliability, and happiness. Personally, I think that I am genuinely a positive and optimistic person. I always try to focus on the good things, keeping myself away from the negativity.
A quality I have always valued is perseverance. Perseverance is having determination to achieve your goals despite the difficulty. I do not give up even during the hard times if I really desire to have a goal achieved.
I think that I am a trustworthy
and reliable person. I take my responsibilities seriously and do not like to let people down. For example, If I promised to keep a secret safe, I keep my word.
Other meanings that elephants hold are dignity and power. In the future I would like to become someone that is honorable and looked up to. It would be great to inspire many others.
To conclude, this is why I have decided to create an elephant to represent who I am as a person.