There are many guidelines to follow when formatting a paper whether it is a business memo or letter, or an academic paper. When you are formatting your communication you should follow the guidelines for using the proper white space. You should also include the proper heading for each. In both the business document and the academic paper, these tools are necessary to give your written document a professional look.
I found that there were a few guidelines that were more important to an academic paper than a business document. One item that was discussed in the Writing Style Handbook that a person would use in an academic paper that was more important than a business document was that the academic paper was to be left justified and leave the right side ragged. With a business document, this is not a requirement. Many people use left and right justification when writing a business communication to give their document a clean look. When you are writing an academic paper, you are required to include the page header on the left side of each page with the page number to the right. This also is not necessary when writing a business document. When writing an academic paper, the use of effective headers and footnotes help identify the paper, and inform the reader where the information came from. Finally, when writing for academic purpose, it is noted that all text is to be written in the same font and there is a choice of three fonts to choose from. Though there are guidelines for the use of fonts in a business