2. An iceberg exposes only 1/10th of its mass above water. With the other 9/10ths of its mass below water, it makes them impossible to budge. Even with a force of a ship like the Titanic.
3. There were 6 ice warnings received by Titanic on the day of the collision. They were all ignored by the wireless operator who was preoccupied with transmitting passenger messages.
4. The collision occurred at 11:40 P.M. on Sunday, April 14, 1912.
5. The Titanic was travelling 22.5 knots while cruising through iceberg laden waters. Just .5 knot from her maximum speed capability.
6. The ship could have stayed afloat had only four compartments flooded... Five became flooded.
7. 1,503 people total died, including passengers and crew.
8. Only 705 people survived.
9. The temperature of the Atlantic at the time of sinking was 31 degrees. This temperature was the biggest cause of death among the population.
10. Charles Joughin was the only person to survive the ice cold Atlantic water...He reportedly had been drinking heavily.
11. Of children fatalities, only 1 child from first class died, while 49 children from steerage died.
12. Although there were 4 funnels (smoke stacks), only 3 were operational. The 4th funnel was for looks.
13. As the ship was sinking, the stern rose out of the water, and broke into two pieces between the third and fourth funnels.
14. The cost to build the Titanic was $7.5 million
15. Price of a single first-class ticket was $4,700. (equals $50,000 in today's economy)
16. One of the first lifeboats to leave the Titanic carried only 28 people; it could have held 64 people.
17. Orders from the Captain were that, women and children were to board the lifeboats first. One man, Daniel Buckley, disguised himself as a woman to get aboard a lifeboat.
18. Very few