The Love between two people is so powerful that it combines them and makes the as one. This is proven when Bradstreet states “If ever two were one … Surely we” (1), This states that connection between two people is so powerful that it combines them physically, mentally and spiritually thus making them into one person. This thus states that love between two people is puissant and it can overcome any bounds and unite people as one. This is further proven when she says if “man were loved by wife”(2) it's you and if “wife was happy in man”(3) than me, this states that if a man was ever loved by his wife it was him and if a wife was ever happy with her husband it would …show more content…
Bradstreet this is proven when she say that her husband is her greatest prize and “ whole mines of gold/riches (of) the east”(5-6) cannot compare to the love that she has for her husband. Thus meaning that love that she has for her husband is more valuable than all the money in the world. Continuously, the love that she has for her husband “cannot (be) quenched)”(7) by rivers and only the “love from”(8) him can quench the thirst that she has. The love from her husband is the only thing that can fill the void in her and satisfy the thirst that she has because love can fill the emptiness she has.
Love is so vigorous that even in death it will it will continue to make you live. Bradstreet says that to live in love preserves them so “ when (they) live no more”(12) they live forever, meaning that even in death the love they had for one another will be felt in the afterlife. Love a boundless force will preserve their love even in death and takes them to heaven where they will continue to love each other for