The George Bush Sr’s presidency changed the direction of American politics from rather conservative Reagan’s philosophy to the ideas of ‘big’ government. Young, ambitious and exceptionally intelligent following president Bill Clinton continued Bush’s beginning. He strongly believed, that government intervention into economy and provision of welfare are necessary for America in 1990s. During Clinton’s presidency in was done quite a lot in both social and economic spheres. However, Clinton was quite inactive in terms of foreign policy and was focused primarily on domestic problems. Nevertheless, he contributed greatly to the reduction in the budget deficit and the increase in social programs. However, loud sex scandals, which took place during his presidency, damaged his reputation a lot. Thus, it was done quite a lot, but it could have been done even more. So, we can’t claim, that Clinton’s presidency was a clear success, but we can’t say, that it was a complete failure either. Being a southerner and a democrat, it was rather hard for Clinton to win 1992 election. He succeeded primarily because he had a moderate liberal position, so he was seen as a New Democrat and appealed to the America’s middle class. Therefore, he attracted both democrat and republican voters. However, Clinton was often accused of being neither democrat nor republican. Nevertheless, this position largely helped him, as he managed to cooperate with Republican Congress and push various acts and programs though it.
Clinton electoral slogan was ‘It’s economy, stupid!’ so the economy was his main prerogative where he forced all his energies. His major achievement on the field of economy was new budget, which he passed through Congress by only one vote in 1993. The new budget restored the US economy through turning the federal budget deficit into a huge surplus. It also cured many America’s economic problems. The new