
To What Extent Did The New Deal Strengthen Or Weaken The Usa Capitalism

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To What Extent Did The New Deal Strengthen Or Weaken The Usa Capitalism
Was the New Deal success or not? The New Deal was a success because the people were given jobs, Roosevelt restored confidence of the American people, and rescued the banking system from collapsing. Franklin Roosevelt told the American people who were tired of the Old Deal that in order to elect him this will be “easily fixable.” Franklin Roosevelt and the people wanted the government have an active role in their lives. The New deal started in 1933-1938, and aimed to fix the nation through direct government intervention in the economy. Roosevelt promised the people to fix banking, stock market investing, mortgage debt relief, unemployment, farming relief, and lastly give hope. Franklin Roosevelt help them impose a new deal with recovery, relief, and reform. …show more content…
People lost their jobs because of the Great Depression which caused a domestic upheaval of men leaving their families because of the suffering their families were going through. Franklin Roosevelt wanted to put a stop to this and put Americans back to work with The Civilian Conservation Corps. This program consisted of young men who worked to provide their families, most of the them did not get to visit. The CCC built parks, planted trees, and worked on flood control. The goal for the Civilian Conservation Corps was a way to improve America’s infrastructure and also was a main factor of the unemployed population out of the Great Depression. The Civilian Conservation Corps had a total of three million men working in production, leading production to be high, and the program was extremely effective. The CCC gave relief to families that were unemployed to help mom survive through their time away. Lastly, it was a success because the CCC employed three million men, over three billion trees were planted and over 800 parks were

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