Toddlers entering preschool are being taught how to write, a skill that their muscles are not quite developed enough yet for, resulting in improper grip on their writing utensil. This improper grip leads to difficulty writing for long periods of time and other problems. Both teenagers and toddlers are expected to fit a cookie-cutter mold of how they should behave or else they are overmedicated. If teenagers want to get into competitive colleges they have to take extremely advanced classes with large amount of homework and often sacrifice their mental, physical, and emotional well being as a
Toddlers entering preschool are being taught how to write, a skill that their muscles are not quite developed enough yet for, resulting in improper grip on their writing utensil. This improper grip leads to difficulty writing for long periods of time and other problems. Both teenagers and toddlers are expected to fit a cookie-cutter mold of how they should behave or else they are overmedicated. If teenagers want to get into competitive colleges they have to take extremely advanced classes with large amount of homework and often sacrifice their mental, physical, and emotional well being as a