First, a good teacher should have good knowledge about her teaching subject to teach her students. A good teacher should refer many books to get good knowledge. If she did not understand her lesion from books, she should learn from her seniors. A good teacher subject knowledge is very important to students. When a good teacher has enough of knowledge, she can share to her students during her class. Like that students learn knowledge from a good teacher. When students have good knowledge about their subject , they can score more marks in their exams. One’s finish their exams they can go for higher education. So a good teacher needs knowledge to improve student’s life. Only knowledge is not enough to a good teacher but also she should be honesty to her profession.
Second, a good teacher should be honesty to her profession. A good teacher should not time pass the class by telling unnecessary topics. A good teacher should teach lesion during her class time without wasting time. A good teacher should check the student’s knowledge on her subject to know the understanding level of students. A good teacher should be honesty to her classing timings. A good teacher should not come late for class and leave the class early.
Third, a good teacher should be as a friend to her students. When a good teacher becomes friend to her students, they can clear their doubts easily on class subject. Students also maintain good teacher and student relationship. Every student like a good teacher to be friendly and students do not escape their classes.
In conclusion, a good teacher should have the above characteristics to improve students life, to give good results to her profession and to have respect to teachers.