are different lessons throughout Disney’s leadership; chapter 5 focuses on walking the walk for the customer, from the CEO to the cleaning crew. Everyone must understand the importance of “traditions” within the Disney enterprise and work together for the customer. “Aggressively friendly” is a concept of always being there to help to guest. Assisting with questions, actively seeking to create a better experience for the guest, being aggressively friendly will enhance the guest interactions with Disney and create a positive feed of longevity. It takes a village to raise a child, was an ole saying. Turn that into respects to education and it make every person meaningful to a child. A school has many employees from janitorial personnel, to office, cafeteria workers, teachers, principal, deans, all play a part in the function of the school. Working a team with one goal is the key. The one goal is guiding a student to become a functioning member of society. If all members within a school were “aggressively friendly” people would impact people more often. School should be a magical place that student come and experience the journey of learning. Through differences of personalities, state testing, and politics this is difficult to achieve within a school; however, there is always room for improvement. The improvement can start with the principal. If the CEO of Disney can pick up trash to make the park stay beautiful, a principal can hand out lunches to students. The leadership style of the principal and the administrative team can set the tone for the staff, which sets the tone for the students. Relationship must be made and fostered with students. Children are impressionable, eager, and moldable. When they have the role models who put the effort into make the school, learning, and relationships better the students can thrive. A servant leadership style can best resemble the Disney phyilosiphy of walking the walk. When simple concepts are realized to be natural then the entity has successfully immersed themselves. The example of main street being clean and everyone chips in to keep is clean by picking up trash or repainting certain areas daily. That is emersion of a culture. Within a school system the culture will dictate the operations of the school. If the leadership team is the servant style where they are willing to help, assist, and serve each other then emersion of positive existence within the school culture. Leaders keeping an open door policy, making them available, and listening to their students, matches the Disney’s customer surveys. You need to understand your cliental to adjust the business to their needs, leading to the servant style of leadership. Principal must understand their students need in order serve them and the teachers better. School is an experience and everyone has a positive story and a negative story within their educational career. There not be any literal magical pixie dust for the education, but if we believe that each person can make a different in a child’s life then that is the first step. Believe in the pixie dust of learning, the light bulb of ideas and the inquisitiveness of children.
are different lessons throughout Disney’s leadership; chapter 5 focuses on walking the walk for the customer, from the CEO to the cleaning crew. Everyone must understand the importance of “traditions” within the Disney enterprise and work together for the customer. “Aggressively friendly” is a concept of always being there to help to guest. Assisting with questions, actively seeking to create a better experience for the guest, being aggressively friendly will enhance the guest interactions with Disney and create a positive feed of longevity. It takes a village to raise a child, was an ole saying. Turn that into respects to education and it make every person meaningful to a child. A school has many employees from janitorial personnel, to office, cafeteria workers, teachers, principal, deans, all play a part in the function of the school. Working a team with one goal is the key. The one goal is guiding a student to become a functioning member of society. If all members within a school were “aggressively friendly” people would impact people more often. School should be a magical place that student come and experience the journey of learning. Through differences of personalities, state testing, and politics this is difficult to achieve within a school; however, there is always room for improvement. The improvement can start with the principal. If the CEO of Disney can pick up trash to make the park stay beautiful, a principal can hand out lunches to students. The leadership style of the principal and the administrative team can set the tone for the staff, which sets the tone for the students. Relationship must be made and fostered with students. Children are impressionable, eager, and moldable. When they have the role models who put the effort into make the school, learning, and relationships better the students can thrive. A servant leadership style can best resemble the Disney phyilosiphy of walking the walk. When simple concepts are realized to be natural then the entity has successfully immersed themselves. The example of main street being clean and everyone chips in to keep is clean by picking up trash or repainting certain areas daily. That is emersion of a culture. Within a school system the culture will dictate the operations of the school. If the leadership team is the servant style where they are willing to help, assist, and serve each other then emersion of positive existence within the school culture. Leaders keeping an open door policy, making them available, and listening to their students, matches the Disney’s customer surveys. You need to understand your cliental to adjust the business to their needs, leading to the servant style of leadership. Principal must understand their students need in order serve them and the teachers better. School is an experience and everyone has a positive story and a negative story within their educational career. There not be any literal magical pixie dust for the education, but if we believe that each person can make a different in a child’s life then that is the first step. Believe in the pixie dust of learning, the light bulb of ideas and the inquisitiveness of children.