Bahariya oasis is a natural oval shaped depression. It is located at the contact between cretaceous and Eocene deposits. One of the early geologic works was carried out by Ball and Beadnell (1903). They produce a topographical- geological map of the oasis and discuss the stratigraphy of the rock exposed. They distinguished three topographic features; the bounding escarpments; the conical hills within the depression and the oasis floor. They notice that the southern scarp is steeper than the northern scarp. The eastern scarp has smooth outline except the area of Gebel El-Harra and the Legalit embayment. The western scarp attains 175 m above the lowest point of the depression floor that’s make it steeper than the eastern one. Northeast- …show more content…
(1982) mapped area between the north Bahariya and the south Qattara Depression where the Tertiary rock units cropping out in the Fayum, Bahariya and Qattara Depression where the Fayum facies interfinger the Bahariya facies. They distinguished the Eocene rocks and dividing it to Mokattam Formation representing the Middle Eocene and upper Eocene Birket Qarun and Qasr el Sagha Formation which represent deposition in a regressive phase displayed by shallow marine littoral and restricted lagoonal facies. Hilmy et al. (1984) made a detailed study of the Eocene formations in the northern plateau. Based on the field work and petrographical investigation they recognize eleven microfacies association. They notice a minor transgressions and regressions occurred and more remarkable at the Formation boundaries resulted in the occasional development of restricted, back reef lagoons environment. El Aref et al. (1987) studied the karstification and the karst found in the northern plateau. They gave a genetic model reflecting the paleoclimatic conditions which are may be imposed on the area during the post-Eocene time. In 1989, El Aref et al. studied the significance of the karst topography of the iron deposits based on the petrographic analysis. Ismail et al. (1989) gave a detailed petrographic study of the upper Cretaceous- Eocene succession. They divided the rock exposed to eleven microfacies. They also distinguished the main diagenetic processes which are cementation, neomorphism, silicification and