In real world, company actually compete in term of quality, price and delivery to capture its customers which finally leads to the establishment of Total Quality Management Philoshopy to fulfill one of the element stated. In Malaysia, government had carries various effort to enhance and assist the quality standard by establishment of SIRIM. SIRIM had been responsible to promote ISO 9000 and TQM among Malaysian business industries.
DEFINITION OF TQM As defined by OXFORD Dictionary of Accounting, TQM is an approach to managing people and business processes that emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction. TQM programs usually entails improved workplace training, a degree of employment empowerment and a redesign of work processes. Meanwhile, in an organisation, TQM is an integrated organisational effort designed to improve quality at every level. TQM which based on customer-defined quality as it is all about meeting the quality expectations as defined by the customer. Since people as vary from one to another, their definition of quality and measurement aspect also vary. Therefore, definition of quality is important one in excercising TQM concept.
Quality as one of qualitative factor that not easy to be defined. As mentioned above, people might defined quality based on their opinion. Some people stated quality is when their expectation for product or services has been fulfill. Others might said that quality is when the product has less defect as compared to the same range product by different manufacturer. For example, there is a lot of quality factors defined within two group of customers in choosing better future tech mobile phone either iPhine 5 or Samsung S4. One group might choosing iPhone 5 based on the company’s reputation (Apple Inc.) while other might go for Samsung S4 due to the globalwide most users and improvement in some technical aspect.
Thus, definition of quality as accepted globally was