Table of Contents
Quality Management Principles:- 2 Factual Approach to Decision-Making:- 2 Example:- 3 Kaizen 4 Implementation 4 Criticisms 5 ISO 9000 5 Goal and Scope 6 Advantages and Benefits 6 Business process reengineering 7 Kansei Engineering Procedure 8 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 10
Quality management
Quality management can be considered to have four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Quality management is focused not only on product/service quality, but also the means to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.
Quality Management Principles:-
1. A Customer Focused Organization
2. Leadership
3. Involvement of People
4. Process Approach
5. Systematic Approach to Management
6. Continual Improvement
7. Factual Approach to Decision-Making
8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships
Factual Approach to Decision-Making:-
An organizational strategy and the accompanying techniques that result in the delivery of high-quality products or services to customers.
TQM is critical to achieve world-class competitiveness:- * Manufacturing is a primary area * U.S. automakers have greatly improved the quality of their cars in recent years * The Japanese have continuously improved quality and thus still have the lead Total Quality Management Decisions (TQM)
Many successful TQM techniques applied to manufacturing * MNCs use TQM techniques * Tailor output to customer needs * Require their suppliers use same approach * Concurrent engineering/interfunctional teams * Designers, engineers, production specialists, and customers work together to develop new products * Empowerment * Rewards and Recognition * Pay