Acute toxicity - the adverse effects resulting from a single exposure, or exposure over a relatively short period of time - e.g. mercury Chronic toxicity - the adverse effects resulting from the prolonged exposure, or resulting from the toxin remaining in the organism for a prolonged period - e.g. arsenic in water LD50: Median lethal dose - dose required to kill 50% of a population of specified organisms. Expressed as milligrams of substance per kilogram of body mass. Note the dose varies from species to species LDLO: Lowest published lethal does TD50:: Median toxic dose - dose at which signs of toxicity occur in 50% of a population of specified organisms LC50: Median toxic concentration - concentration of a substance in the environment (air or water) required to kill 50% of a population of specified organisms TDLO: Lowest published toxic dose - lowest dose at which signs of toxicity occur in a specified organism TCLO: Lowest published toxic concentration - lowest concentration at which signs of toxicity occur in a specified organism
Chemical Weapons Compound classes - include both compounds that can be used as chemical weapons or those that are precursors Schedule 1 -compounds that have few uses outside of chemical weapons. Quantities >100g must be declared to OPCW. For example - lewisite or chlorosarin Schedule 2- compounds that have legitimate small scale applications. Production must be declared and export to non-signatory countries is restricted. For example - Perfluroisobutyleneorr thiodiglycol