Why travel nursing is not for everyone.
Travel nursing is a good rewarding career, but not every nurse likes to be on the go all the time and people have different opinions on whether they like to be on the move or not. According to (Goessling. V. 1996) the money is great, the travel portion is very advantageous, but it is extremely difficult if you have children, or if your significant other has a full time job. Your kids will not have the opportunity to make friends or even adapt to a new area, because they will be on the move the whole time. Working in different places is not as easy, as you will quickly notice that rules are different, medicine are the same, but distributing medicine is different. Charting differs from site to site, and by the time you understand the charting system, you have to move to the next facility. …show more content…
(1996), there are a few reasons why people are not interested in travel nursing and why people do not like to be traveling so much. Some people do not adapt well to a new environment. It may be too hot or too cold, or it may just be really humid, and not fun at all. Every time you get to go to a new facility, you will have to adapt to the facility, the routines, and the paperwork. A lot of times, people don’t like to be flexible, and to show up on short notice, and people don’t always like to have to live in a suitcase their whole life. People don’t like to be independent, and move to places where they have a support system like family. Making friends easily, living alone, is not always easy, and people don’t always enjoy to live alone. Although you may socialize with your colleagues occasionally outside of work, you will most likely find that most of your colleagues spend their free time with their family and friends, and if you have time off, you are probably going to be spending it all by yourself, so if you don’t like the idea of living alone, it may not be the best profession to