5. Explore alternative coping methods and partial solutions – Searching for other methods allows the case worker to find what will work for the client.…
Being hired as a new administrator for Gotham City Medical Center which mainly focus on mental health issues comes with a host of task. The inpatient and outpatient services are housed in separate buildings on the same campus which caused problems by the center during file recording. After an audit conducted by the New York State Office of Mental Heath several findings were highlighted that concerned them. The two primary findings which were patients notes were written once a week which tells me that the therapist did not record any individual notes at all. The second finding was that sign-in sheets were present for those who attended but no notes on their daily progress and visits were recorded in their records. Also patient mental health information was shared with the media which is unethical. As a new administrator, I would be entering into a setting where unethical activities are occurring, overwhelmed staffs and improper handling of patient files. As a new administrator, the findings require attention to develop a system for providing better mental healthcare services.…
Homeless Services (PATH) Jersey City Medical Center 953 Garfield Avenue - 1st Floor Jersey City, NJ 07304 (201) 434-1316…
Describe the major components of the Sociological Model of Mental Illness and compare it to the Medical Model of Mental Illness. What evidence exists that supports the Sociological Model of Mental Illness? What evidence exists that supports the Medical Model of Mental Illness? (Approximately 2-4 paragraphs)…
There is a difference between being nice and involved in a patient’s life and healthcare and being with that patient and making irrational choices for the patient because of that relationship clouding up judgement. A lot of doctors say that a relationship with a patient is unethical and unprofessional. According to a survey done by Medscape in 2012 asking 24,000 doctors, “is it ever acceptable to become involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient?” 1% say that “yes” “even if it’s with a current patient”, 22% say “yes, 6 months after they stopped being a patient” and 68% say “no”. There is the last 9% that say that it depends on the situation (Physicians Top Ethical Dilemmas), which is the grey area that everyone questions.…
I am interning at Pittsburgh Mercy’s Behavioral Health Service Coordination Unit (PMBH-SU). The unit serves 500-700 clients (consumers), and includes six teams. Each team includes a supervisor and 10-to-15 service coordinators (SC) and aids a specific population, such as adults, adolescents, and children. Additionally, all service coordinators’ clients have a mental health illness(s) diagnosis. PMBH-SCU provides outpatient services and individualized supportive services to clients of the Pittsburgh Mercy Health System(PMHS). Employees in this unit typically obtained a social work or human services education or related professional experiences. The Unit’s goals are to coordinate services, offer support, and empower PMHS’s consumers to live healthy,…
Health care providers should exercise integrity with all interactions because trust is such an essential component of the patient-physician relationship. A vulnerable patient that doubts their provider's honesty and moral judgment is at risk of noncompliance and avoidance of further treatment,…
First of all many people visit a doctor and they trust their doctors to do what is optimal for their patients, but when a doctor a dishonest to a patient and misinformed them then that is just morally wrong. As this would mean that we as the patients can not trust our doctors to keep us informed, and that is an issue as we allow our doctors to cure us.…
The state of Florida strictly follows the CACREP accreditation practices for licensure acceptance. In addition, the requirement for two years of post-master’s supervised experienced under the supervision of a licensed mental health counselor or equivalent who is deemed qualified by the Florida Board of Professional Regulations and the “supervision experience must have consisted of at least 1,500 hours providing psychotherapy face-to-face with clients for the profession for which licensure is sought” CITATION Flo131 \l 1033 (Department, 2013).…
With the establishment of the Mental Capacity Act comes the Independent Mental Health Advocacy which was introduced in 2007 under the amendments of the Mental Health Act 1983. An Independent Mental Health Advocate is a specialist advocate with legal rights to the IMHA which is not available to all advocates. What this means exactly is that an Independent Mental Health Advocate may meet with qualifying patients in private; consult with who are professionals concerned with the patient's care and treatment; see any records relating to the patient's detention, treatment or after-care, for the purpose of providing help to the patient and where the patient consents and may request access to records where the patient lacks the capacity to consent,…
In summary, the patient-provider relationship is built on trust. Without trust, there is no patient-provider relationship. Malpractice, negligence, and litigation all should be avoided in order to ensure that the relationships between patients and providers…
Using appropriate literature this paper will examine intermediate care and critically analyse inter-professional working in the care of adults. An introduction Inter-professional care will then be examined using various sources of literature. This paper will conclude by looking at the implications raised and examine future implications for nursing practice.…
* high workload and pressure facing social workers, leads to poor quality of work and bad practice * mistakes in the fields of child protection can lead to significant human consequences and to critical attention from the public and media * there is less career ladder for social workers compared with other sectors * Poor decision making.What could be improved: * training must be improved * decision making must be improved * response to crises must be rapid * Greater creativity in exploring solutions * The availability of different perspectives in understanding families * Better responsiveness to families * The senior management to continue to seek out the way good practice enabled and implemented * Supervisions to be carried out to monitor individual competence and Consideration should be given to strengthen the social workers response to problems * Government to issue more funding in social working, this will encourage people to consider career in social working 2. Psychiatrist: The important aspect of a Psychiatrist:Psychiatrist are doctors who look after people with mental health problems, such as…
Trust is continually evolving in the nurse patient relationship and as we become more educated and socially and emotionally aware, we are better able to assess the context of and redefine the way trust is established for that moment. Knowing the basics of building trust is just a stepping stone to becoming better leaders within our profession as we apply the skills across the continuum from patients to co-workers and other health professionals.…
The behavioural/mental health sector is a $99 billion industry, yet mental health still remains to be one of the most neglected and under resourced areas in public health, regardless of the fact that the need is ever growing (Bhattacharya et all. 2001). In the diagram displayed below, it is clear that mental disorders represent one of the top burdens worldwide, therefore has more than enough reason to take action more seriously in terms of funding.…