1) contrast between Seahaven typical American's dream world and reality, the harsh fact we have to face.
Seahaven 60's america dream society ever->like a doll house
->beautiful sunshine city->suburb routine and regular life clean and tiny + green (grass/trees) white houses and wide road scenery-> sunset and midnight-> extreme big moon and orange sun-> 漸變color and way: location_Seaside, Florida, in Florida Panhandle master-planned community,constructing a setting in a studio space
1960s postcards were used as inspiration for the film's design, natural landscape + post-production visual effect vs reality-> cool and rational -> innovative and intensive, busy city-> restaurant the TV show studio, administration -> technology and cold color tone-> blue, black , gray-->like NASA station
2) reflection and implication
basement-> childhood style-> memory and secret + Fiji map
revolving door-> company-> imply change->inside company-> dark/ outside(get rid) sunshine
ship-, name Santa Maria,(the name of the ship in which Christopher Columbus[->0] discovered the New World> bird ->freedom christof- voice from sky--> like a god
making us of diagonals stairs towards exit->real world-> imply meaning
frame within a frame hidden camera capturing ,e.g. private car, rings, badge, newspaper store
repetition obstr ->mass running people, wheel chair clint , cars on road->traffic jam, things to stop jim's thought-> radio, tv show, poster(X Fiji), more and more danger-> Fire, leak at the nuclear plant(silver man) ,
normal : realistic and general->TV monitor and lights, in-house lighting, no special effect vs inside the show: dramatic and intensive
source generally key light- eg. talking with fd on bright ,
BUT- audience