Turning Points In The Progressive Era
The turning point in the Progressive Era I found to be important was the Women’s right movement. Women were citizens of the US, but were denied their right to vote. During this movement women tried to assert themselves as equal to men. Women wanted to have the same value in society that a man would receive. They were mainly rejected because of the typical gender roles where women are said to belong in a home. A woman’s position was to take care of children and be a good wife, but women wanted more. The leader of the women’s right movement Frances Willard stated, “A wider freedom is coming to the women of America[1].”
A women deserve the right to be apart of the working world and to be taken seriously just like a man. The wanted to step up an
maintain a working position in a growing society. Women challenged the way things had been by developing activist groups to target problems they saw fit. Jane Addams was a leading figure in the women’s right movement. She founded the Hull House in 1889 as a way to improve the lives of poor immigrants like teaching English and other skills [2]. She was one of the first college educated women that chose to decline marriage and motherhood in her commitment to helping her community of young women.