Tutorial 9
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions
1. Leadership is best defined as ________.
A) the ability to influence a group in goal achievement
B) keeping order and consistency in the midst of change
C) implementing the vision and strategy provided by management
D) coordinating and staffing the organization and handling day-to-day problems
2. The two dimensions of leadership behaviour identified in the University of Michigan studies are ________.
A) coercion and motivation
B) emotional and rational
C) employee-oriented and production-oriented
D) initiating structure and consideration
3. Hersey and Blanchard developed which of the following?
A) situational leadership theory
B) cognitive resource theory
C) managerial grid model
D) path-goal theory
E) cognitive orientation model
4. Hersey and Blanchard's leadership theory differs from other leadership theories primarily because it ________.
A) explores the role of the expectations of the leader for the follower
B) focuses on the followers
C) holds that leadership style should be dependent on the situation
D) is normative
E) deals strictly and exclusively with contingencies
5. What is the main principle of path-goal theory?
A) Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style.
B) Stress is a form of situational unfavourableness and a leader's reaction to it depends on his or her intelligence and experience.
C) Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader.
D) The leader is responsible for providing followers with the information, support, or other resources necessary for them to do their jobs.
6. Which of the following is not a key characteristic of a charismatic leader?
A) Sensitivity to follower needs
B) Unconventional behaviour
C) Vision and articulation
D) Task orientation
E) Willingness to take risks
7. Researchers are