I observed a child throwing a fit at the mall the other day. This child did not want to leave the store and did not want to get into her stroller. She started to throw her head back and scream very loudly. Then she would throw her arms around and kick, in an attempt to not be strapped in. The mother started to yell at her daughter to stop while trying to strap her in. After a few minutes of the child kicking and screaming she was able to strap her in. But the child continued to scream, this was when the mother decided to leave the mall. My recommendation is that instead of trying to force the child into the stroller the parent could have held the child. Trying her best to calm her down, since the child was throwing around her body while the…
The three year olds gross motor skills, which are related to active play, consisted of throwing a large ball and running at a long distance to catch it, jumping up and down, climbing up the slide and jungle gym with ease and quickly. There was constant movement with the child in all the 45 minutes that I observed her and her level of activity was very high. It was hard to catch her at moment of stillness, and even then he would be fidgeting under the table or in her seat. Her fine motor skill included, using crayons and coloring a picture, and even though most of it was scribbles(which at this age they tend to do), she was able to remain inside the coloring picture outline. At many points through the day, I caught her zipping up and down her…
I also have to write observations on adult play, child play, guided groups and lessons. I am able to write any concerns or achievements. The observation sheets are age banded and you are able to write the next steps to follow, so you can have the child develop in all areas. These are added to their learning journeys, here you can see if there are any causes for concern and if the child is at the expected level of development for their age.…
You are required to submit a report on your observations (labeled observation report) of 2 young children. As discussed in class, the subjects of your observation should be one boy and one girl who are 3 and 4 years of age. The report should be presented in narrative format and include a description of the center in which the study took place. Included in the report should be a description of each student studied, and the notes on how well the children performed the milestones in the four categories of child development (language, physical-gross motor plus fine motor skills-, cognitive and psychosocial development). Under each category, you need to explain how the individual child performed the milestones by using the specified chart. The key to your description should be guided by the labels (acquired, emerging, and strategies for home/school). Write a conclusion for each of the summaries. In closing, provide a reflection (labeled reflection) on how this experience benefitted you as an educator who may one day work with young children. Consult your book and or an internet source to make recommendations for home/school. The due date for this report can be found in the course syllabus. Put the report in a folder and separate the work with tabs and dividers according to the age of the child. Place the completed grids found in the LAP-3 behind the report. Below please find an outline that can be used to assist in writing the report:…
The goal of this paper assignment is to relate naturalistic observations of young children to the principles, frameworks, and research you are studying. 1. Select one of the following questions for your observation. A) How effectively do younger and older toddlers communicate with each other and with adults (e.g., teachers, parents, etc)? Preparatory Reading: Cole & Cole Ch. 8 Observe the communication with peers and adults at the Cyert Center for Early Education. Compare and contrast the younger toddlers (17 -26 months) with the older toddlers (26 -38 months) with respect to…
This study examined how executive functioning (EF) skills can be a predictor of success in children who experience homelessness and are entering kindergarten or first grade. This study was focused on 138 children living in 3 emergency homeless shelters for at least 3 days. Observations were made in the late summers of 2008 and 2009 and carried over into the fall of the upcoming school years.…
This observation took place on Saturday October 17th at Town Center Corte Madera at approximately 2:00pm. The day was bright and sunny and the Mall was full of all kinds of parents and children. I choose a male child approximately 3 years old, wearing blue top and black pants with sponge bob square pants sneakers. The mother was wearing a yoga outfit as most mothers in Marin seem to wear these days. She was in her mid-thirties. Dad was also present, he wore a short sleeved Hawaiian print shirt with Khaki shorts and flip flops, and he too seemed to be in his mid-thirties. I was sitting at the table near the elephant fountain facing the fountain with my back to the store so know…
In my observation assignment I will identify as well as give examples of the children’s ability in the domains of development which are physical, cognitive and socio-emotional. In addition, I will be identifying the different kinds of play I witnessed my child do.…
Some people like to work early morning, others like to work until late at night. I would prefer to get up early morning and start my day’s work than working until late night. Working early in the morning can make me more energetic and I can remember everything quickly. There are many reasons why I like work early morning is that I feel fresh, I have more time to do different activities.…
I observed an 11 year old male. His interactions with his friends were at first artificial and he paid more attention to me observing him and writing than his friends. However after 10-15 minutes I was forgotten, and he was fully engaged with other boys his age. They stayed in a group and played mostly with the same sex. A few adolescent girls came and the group of boys stopped playing their basketball game and conversed with the girls for a few moments and went back to playing their game. I found that interesting that with the girls there this age group is still more interested in playing than socializing. About 30 minutes into the game and they began playing games on their cell phones(which they all had?!?). From observing this stage of adolescence I can still see alot of the middle childhood stage.…
Observation involved watching and listening to the child and using the information gathered to have a better understanding of the developmental process. Like conversations, observations can be planned or spontaneous and are best carried out by an adult who knows the children well. Knowing the child relatively well was an advantage for me. Most observations were unplanned and happened during lessons. While spontaneous observations provided me with valuable information, planned observations added more detail about what and how the child was…
For this assignment I observed four children, all of which have been given names of anonymity in order to protect the participants. The children I observed were Molly, age 5, Bailey, age 7, Floyd, age 9, and Ann, age 12. I observed the children for a total of one hour in their home. The observation occurred on March 15th,2017, this started at approximately 2:00 PM ending at 3:00 PM. The main focuses of my observation tool place in their living room as well as their play room. Most of the time their mom was in the room with us, but during the times when she was absent, the children’s oldest sister, age 16, was in the room as well.…
It was playtime for the one year old boy. There were all sorts of toys. The playroom was very small. There was a huge toy chest full to the top with toys. On the wall there was a body length mirror. This was the little boys favorite place to play. He would also play with some of the other toys like blocks, cars, stuffed animals and other things. No matter what he grabbed he always brought it in front of the mirror.…
In order for one to gain an understanding of an early childhood environment, one must put them inside one. People really do not understand what takes place everyday if they do not sit back and observe the interaction amongst the children and the staff. I observed a class at A Child's World- Doylestown. A Child's World is located at 2001 South Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18901. The building is brand new, they just moved in June 2003, however A Child's World has been in business for 10 years and they have two other locations, Newtown and Oxford Valley.…
I went to lunch with my nephew and niece and observed their behavior with their parents. The setting was very casual. The kids were very excited because I was visiting them for the weekend in New York. They were not paying attention to eating and were behaving poorly. My brother and sister in law tried to get them to eat. They used negative punishment to help them eat. The kids were only drinking their juice, so my brother removed the juice and would not let them have it until they ate. The parents also used positive punishment and told the kids that if they did not finish their food they would not be able to watch movies when they got home. The kids did not respond well, they still refused to eat and threw some food on the floor. My niece…