Twitter as a News Source
Twitter has become a huge phenomenon in most people’s everyday lives. It has evolved and branched off from Facebook. In a way it is a lot like Facebook, by being able to create statuses and post pictures, but Twitter is also very different. Some may even say Twitter is much easier to navigate so easy that it is now people’s “go-to” website when in need of information. But is Twitter taking the place of news, gossip and sports websites? Has it become too much of a convenience that people just check to find fast information on their timeline or quickly search a hashtag phrase instead of going to other informative websites? Twitter has slowly grown into a huge trend recently. It has taken over news, sports, and celebrity gossip websites. When there is a trending topic on Twitter it reaches millions of users timelines in minutes, which makes it so much easier to find out certain information instead of going out of your way to search for it. People have forgotten what it is like to pick up a newspaper or a magazine. It is easier to just scroll down your smart phone looking for something that interests you, clicking on the tweet and reading the article from your phone. Twitter has become too important to our society and how people react to situations that are going on in the world. Twitter is a social networking website or mobile application used to connect to your interests, share information and find out what is happening in the world at any given moment. Twitter’s mission statement as of January 2011 is, “To instantly connect people everywhere to what’s most important to them.” Anyone can read, write and share their thoughts of up to 140 characters on Twitter. Once these thoughts are shared they are then referred to as a tweet. Your tweets are available to be read by anyone who would be interested in reading them. Each Twitter account has its own personal timeline. Your timeline is filled with tweets from the various people or accounts that you
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