The profession of counseling has the ability to impact society by assisting individuals to work toward wellness and balance. Therefore, providing counselors-in-training with supervision is very important. There are various models that are used and two models include individual and group supervision. Individual and group supervision provides different experiences for counseling interns. According to Milne and Oliver (2000), individual supervision is a one-on-one experience that provides the counselor-in-training more direct and particular feedback. Erford (2014) states that an individual supervision session is typically includes a process and structure that includes check-in, discussion of identification and discussion of session goals, and ending with a check-ou process. It can also provide the supervisor and supervisee with opportunities to reflect on particular cases; to discuss an intern’s reaction(s) to client experiences; to discuss appropriate methods of counseling while also providing confidentiality around clients’ experiences; and provide opportunities for planning next steps (Milne & Oliver, 2000). …show more content…
The first form of group supervision is when organized around administrative and organizational issues in the agency. The second form of group supervision is focused on didactic training where clinical or issue-related matters are focused upon. The third form focuses on a CMHC’s personal growth. Milne and Oliver (2000) also describe group supervision as being performed with multiple supervisees and one supervisor. Supervisors can either conduct a group meeting that has trainees talking one at a time about supervisor identified topics or discussions can center around topics and/or activities that may enhance a peer discussion