The aim of all early years programmes is to ensure that all children regardless of where they live or what their home circumstances might be, have access to quality early years education. The documented outcomes cover a wide range of areas -- personal, social, physical, communicational, reasoning and creative development.…
Provision for childcare and education in early years is offered from birth. Settings such as day care centres and nurseries provide provisions catered specifically for the needs of babies and young children.…
The range of Early Years Settings reflects on the requirements of parents and families for their children. Some parents want care for their children so that they can return to work, some may want to stay with their children while they socialise, some may want their children in a setting which offer services aimed at learning, whilst some may want their children to be in a home based environment and some families cannot afford to pay fees for provision. This is why the |Early Year’s sector has various forms of provision to meet the needs of families. Provision include Nurseries, child minders, pre-schools, crèches, children’s centres and parent and toddler groups.…
The main emphasis is to value children from 0-3years as competent learners. The framework aims to encouraging learning through interaction and exploration of the world around them and recognises the whole of their learning and development including those that may have factors that affect their learning and development. The framework supports childcare practitioners and provides them with the opportunities to reflect on their own practice.…
Burton, Yanus and Petr Grotewell. Early Childhood Education: Issues and Developments. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2008. Print.…
1. Understand the impact of early years curriculum models on the application of theoretical perspectives of children’s care, learning and development.…
On Wednesday July 2nd, 2014 I visited Wiley Mildred Family Day care center to observe a group of children that I have never met at a house I have never been to. Throughout my hour that I spent at Wiley Mildred I observed a group of children interacting with each other as well as the caregivers as they were having their outside privileges. As I conducted my observation I studied children’s actions and noticed the practicing of the Sociocultural Theory, the Social Learning Theory, the Cognitive Theory, and the Psychoanalytic Theory. All these theories were able to be observed through actions this is due to their environment around them and the activities they were engaged in. The observation taught me how significant an action can be for a developing child and how important it is for a child in a care center to be mentally and physically stimulated.…
Early years recognises that it is imperative to include the parents/carers in their child’s setting life. Settings have certain polices to help include the parents for example the “open door” policy where parents are welcome to come in and speak to the staff having the door open makes it more approachable and…
1.1) Development is holistic. There are many various areas of development and each area of development is individual in its own right. Even though they are individual, all of the areas of development are interlinked and they do not operate separately. To conduct activities and to partake in everyday occurrences, more than one single area of development is needed and involved in order to participate during these everyday events. It is important that as a childcare practitioner, these areas of development are recognised and understood so the services and activities we provide can be adapted and therefore, made appropriate for the child in order for them to grow and develop the necessary skills to develop to their full potential.…
To identify the difference between deprivation (or separation), privation and institutionalisation Explain the effects of each on experiences a child might have. Define what day care is and explain the different types of daycare available Explain using evidence the impact of daycare on social development Explain using evidence the impact of daycare on aggressive behaviour Apply understanding of how research into attachment has influenced childcare practices Describe and explain using research characteristics of good quality day care Research Methods Completed Outline the main features of a lab experiment Evaluate lab experiments as a research method Outline a clear aim for a piece of…
The day to day care and supervision of children aged 3months to a 1year. Planning and implementing with the staff team activities and resources to provide a rich learning environment. To be a key person I am responsible for a small group of around 6-8 children, observing and recording their learning and development. This involves taking pictures for their learning journals and commenting on their day to day activities. We also observe their current development to ensure they are at the right stage for their age in terms of speech & language. It also involves building a positive and supportive partnership with their parents/carers and families, respecting and valuing their cultures and beliefs. We aim to involve parents with all aspects of their child’s journey at Nursery including updating their individual learning plans termly. As a key worker I am heavily involved in this process, encouraging children to achieve their learning goals and to ensure I am up to date with all policies and procedures such as safeguarding, health and safety, the welfare requirements, manual handling, etc.…
To set directions and establish values for an early learning and care setting, effective leaders must reflect upon the context that is within the early learning setting, and the professionalism of their staff. To achieve this, educational leaders can create a positive organisational culture that values a high level of openness and trust, where educators are motivated to ask questions, debate issues and contribute to each other's ongoing learning and inquiry. To achieve this, leaders need in-depth content knowledge as well as a deep understanding and appreciation of children's learning and development. They need to be clear about the purpose of services and have the skills to effectively communicate goals and…
Eileen Kennedy-Moore once wrote, “The path of development is a journey of discovery that is clear only in retrospect, and it’s rarely a straight line.” Although the development to which she is reffering may not be specific, the complexity and sometimes unpredicable nature of children may definitely be summarized by this short quote. As humans, we begin as tiny beings with barely any ability, but, as we grow, we develop into creatures of play and imagination, of right and wrong decisions, and of motivation for the tasks we face in our day-to-day lives. As an Early Childhood Education student, I often have the opportunity to volunteer and to observe a variety of organzations, classrooms, and programs. For this particular class, I was able to analyze a classroom-like environment at the YMCA for children of all ages, and I compared these observations with the appropraite topics of this course.…
1.1 Children can have a varying degree of needs when growing up. Therefore it is imperative as carers we have a collaborative approach to supporting their needs to assist positively with their development and scope of learning. A variety of early learning settings, schools and children’s centres are responding to the extra needs of young children and their families. In England the government has established a framework known as Every Child Matters. This states the five outcomes that we should be striving to meet in our care settings for children in their early years.…
I have read Three days to see many times.Recently . I read it again . Three days to see is a famous essay written byAmerican writer Helen Keller. Miss Keller unfortunately got blind and deaf whenshe was very young, due to misuse of medication. However, She learned alllessons that a healthy woman can do with the help of teacher sullivan andparents. She also mastered serveral foreign languages very well. What's moreshe was admitted into Harvard university .Finally she become the greatest educator and writer .…