First of all, the cause of current climate change is typical of global warming has been confirmed is mainly due to human activities. Humans have used more energy mainly from raw materials including coal, oil, natural gas, which was released to the atmosphere increasing the gas causing the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere, leading to raise the temperature of the earth.…
I think people are influenced with carbon dioxide discharged in the environment in small amounts of electricity and from automobiles and buses. However, people are abusing the environment with CO2, which I believe is creating major global warming problems. After reading the chapter, Moving Heaven and Earth, he explained how in the last couple of centuries, we had to help reshape the earth’s surface. Likewise, they had to determine where certain plants would grow, develop mines and wells that might have some input on the earth’s crust. Also, I learned that we have used a huge amount of the planet’s water.…
The second cause of global warming is attributed to man. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels have contributed greatly to global warming. When these fuels are being burned, toxic gases are being released into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide. When these gases are released, the solar energy is trapped which automatically causes the temperature to increase.…
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, forests are drying and wildlife is suffering, these are all results of the apparent rise in global temperatures and it has become more obvious that humans over centuries are releasing harmful heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere known as greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect causes the increase in global temperature as the gases which are released into the atmosphere allow light to be entered, but prevents heat from escaping.…
There are many possible causes of global warming. However, for the past several years, NASA noted “that most of the causes of global warming are man-made activities.” The “burning of fossil fuel is the top list of man made activities that largely contribute to global warming and this occurs in automobiles, in factories, and in electric power plants that provide energy for houses and office buildings” (Global Warming NASA). The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide , a chemical element that “slows the escape of heat into space” (Global Warming Nasa). “According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 's) report, CO2…
The first reason why I belief humans are not the cause of global warming is that…
Human influences also contribute to climate change by increasing in the CO2 levels. Carbon dioxide is greenhouse gas. That means warm air is staying close to the Earth like in a greenhouse. The increase in the CO2 levels has been a problem over the years due to carbon dioxide. There are twenty-nine billion tons emitted in our atmosphere. Forty-three percent still stick around that called airborne fraction. Deforestation is big factor in how we contribute to climate change. Deforestation means our forests are being burned down for building cities and for farming. This is hurting our atmosphere and our animals, trees and etc.…
Another way that humans cause global warming is by deforestation, which lowers the amount of oxygen being produced and carbon dioxide being consumed because there are less plants to facilitate these processes. This increases carbon dioxide emissions and this release of carbon dioxide heats the atmosphere. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, when carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, it absorbs infrared photons rising from the surface and re-emits them back towards the surface. This creates a constant heat loop which essentially heats the Earth because heat can not escape the atmosphere.…
There is a scientific consensus that the recent rise in global temperature (global warming) is caused by human enhancement of the greenhouse effect, where greenhouse gases absorb outgoing long-wave radiation, so less is reflected back to space and is essential for keeping the planet warm. However, too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere means too much energy is trapped and the planet warms up. One of the key findings in the IPCC report is the attribution of more than half the increase in global surface temperatures from 1951-2010 to human activities, underlining the dominant role of fossil fuel burning as a…
The view that human activities are likely responsible for most of the observed increase in global mean temperature ("global warming") since the mid-20th century is an accurate reflection of current scientific thinking. Human-induced warming of the climate is expected to continue throughout the 21st century and beyond.…
In modern America few problems prove to be as fundamentally problematic as the theory of human induced global warming. Its repeated coverage from within the media and political arena are influencing people worldwide, putting those who think differently in an outcast shadow. The truth of the matter is, to not believe in human induced global warming has become politically incorrect and unacceptable in the public eye. The theory of human induced global warming can be defined as the rise in temperature through human pollution of greenhouse gases resulting in catastrophic alterations in the earth 's environment. However, human pollution of greenhouse gases is so minor that it is not a contribution to the Earth 's climate change, and a natural cause is the only logical explanation. In order to understand how emittance of greenhouse gases has a relation to the Earth 's climate, it is necessary to understand The Greenhouse Effect.…
Today, the world is experiencing anthropogenic global climate change. This means that there is a global climate change that is being caused by humans, which is all of us. Many people are in denial that global climate change, or commonly known as global warming, is really occurring. But, global warming really is happening and there is scientific proof. In the TED talk, James Balog explains how the arctic icebergs are the “canary in the global coalmine.” The ice is deflating and receding at a very rapid rate which is higher than it ever has. Sea level is set to continue to rise at a faster rate than over the past 40 years because of the melting ice, which is proof that global warming is really happening. Also, carbon dioxide is at an unprecedented level not seen for at least the last 800,000 years. It is released through natural processes but also through human activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuels. Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began. The carbon dioxide levels are directly related to the population of the world.…
Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of both the earth’s near surface air and the oceans. The temperature increase began in mid twentieth century and is predicted to continue into the future. For example, during the last hundred years ending in 2005, the earth’s surface air temperature has increased drastically (Thomas, C. D, 2004). Basically, global warming is the recent increase in the average air and ocean temperature of the Earth as well as its expected continuation. What is so controversial about it is the actual potential for danger and its causes. Though natural events like volcanoes and solar changes have caused small rises in temperatures over time, many believe that greenhouse gas emissions have a large part in this and that even if the emission levels stabilize, temperatures may continue rising for another thousand years or more. It is projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the average global surface temperature will probably rise another 1.1-6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during this century. Right now the average temperature of the Earth is about 13 °C, or 56 °F.…
In the last century, the sea level has rose for about 17 centimetres. The rate in the last decade is however, nearly the double of last century. Major global surface reconstructions also showed that the Earth has warmed since 1880 and it’s still going on. Oceans are also warming up, due to the heat. Not only that, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting, glaciers are disappearing and extreme weather events have occurred more often. All these phenomena are the evidence of the fact that the Earth is warming up, they are the cause of global warming. Many scientists and researchers are trying to find a way to reduce the heat that the Earth absorbs. But in order to do that, they need to answer one question: What is the main cause of global warming. Is it we, humans, or is it the sun that causes it? Many debates are being held about this topic. Not only that, even documentaries were made about it, like The Great Global Warming Swindle and The inconvenient truth. But still, no one knows whether we, humans, causes global warming or the sun.…
One cause is the human activities; human activities are contributing to global warming by enhancing Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect warms Earth’s surface through a complex process involving sunlight, gases, and particles in the atmosphere. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are known as greenhouses gases. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. Because, the heat and light from the sun get into the car through the window, but it can’t get back out and that is what greenhouse effect does to the earth. People started emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases when industry took off in the mid-1700. Fossil fuels were burned more and more to run our cars, trucks, factories, planes and power plants, those fuels released carbon in the form of carbon-dioxide. Greenhouses are released not only when these fuels are burned, but also when they are retrieved from the earth.…