UMUC Haircuts is looking to improve both their employees and customer scheduling. For Myra to utilize the competitive advantage of cost leadership, it is critical that she keep her cost low and maximize revenue. Maximizing her Cost Leadership will allow Myra to pass the savings along to the customers. Using an effective scheduling tool will allow Myra to minimize the amount of down time employsees have and maximizing their productivity. While walk ins will continue to be taken, the ability for Myra and her employees to view schedules ata glance will maximize revenue and customer satisfaction.
Proposed IT Solution
A company that provides a cloud based appointment system with varying tiers at differing cost would be beneficial …show more content…
Myra will need internet service, to include WIFI capabilityes. What kind of telecommunications will be needed for the solution, including local connectivity inside UMUC Haircuts and Internet access? How will Mhyra acquire the necessary hardware components and Internet access?
• AT&T business service (for example) would suit the telecommunication needs. This will include a dedicated high-speed internet connection for all company needs and a second WIFI internet hotspot for customer use. Additionally, AT&T will provide company cellular devices to allow management to remain connected to the business (AT&T, 2015).
Configuration – What options does the vendor offer for configuring the system to UMUC Haircuts' needs? How will the configuration be done, and by whom? Booking+ offers a detailed virtual tour of their systems for Myra and her employees, and allows Myra access to the supervisor functions so she can oversee the operations from anywhere. Maintenance that is outside the scope of training will be completed by Booking+ free of charge. Also Booking+ provides a web designer in order to assist UMUC Haircuts in implementing the software to the …show more content…
The second phase will be conducted during system installation for the management team. Booking+will provide an expert coach that will give a 15-45 minute personalized tour of how our system can work the salon business. The coach will answer all questions, in order to allow Myra and her employees understand the online salon appointment software. This training will cover supervisory function of the system and minor maintenance and tests that can be completed. The third phase will be conducted after installation is complete and will include all employees. This training will cover all operations of the system and will prepare employees and managers for using the system in a day-to-day operation