1.1 A working relationship is different to a personal relationship as a working relationship is formed of individuals who are not of equal status and has clear boundaries where as a personal relationship is people who we see as likeable, dependable and who we can communicate with easily. 1.2 The different working relationships in health and social care settings include family relationships, friendships, intimate, personal and sexual relationships and working relationships.
2.1 It is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role so you can have a clear role as service users and colleagues will expect you to work within your job role. You need to ensure that you know your job role so that you are able to always meet your own responsibilities.
2.2 The full and up to date details of working are that your role covers work tasks and duties that need doing. You need to complete your job role at the prescribed level and a way, which works around others. You will sometimes be asked by your manager or supervisor to carry out work, which is not pat of your job role but where you agree to do so you should always make sure you work within your boundaries.
2.3 The agreed ways of working are health and safety, equal opportunities, confidentiality, data protection, supervision, waste management, moving and handling, managing medication, security and safe guarding.
3.1 It is important to work in partnership with others so you are able to support individuals to make many decisions and so they are able to do as much for themselves as possible. Family, friends and GPs should be sportive and involved to make the individual feel at ease.
3.2 Ways of working which can help improve partnership working are good communication skills, confidentiality, decision-making, roles and responsibilities and involving others who have something to do with the individual’s life.
3.3 Skills and approaches needed for