4.1 Explain why waste should be kept to a min in a business environment
Good environmental practice can reduce company’s costs by minimizing of use some materials for example water, paper or even energy.
We can find a few reasons why we should minimizing waste in work environment but the most common are: save money, save energy, reduce waste products and save the Earth.
4.2 Identify the main causes of waste that may occur in a business environment
– When somebody live the room which is not be in use till end of the day and don’t switch the light off
- when we live computers switch on at night
- when we print out some not important e-mails
- when we print out some documents before we check any mistakes
- people leave pens, notebooks and another stationery somewhere and take an effort to find it when they need it so it’s easier to take a new one
4.3 Identify ways of keeping waste to a min in a business environment
- cut down the materials need to be purchased
-use a scrap paper to make a notes
- ask staffs to clear their desk time to time to look for excess pens, sticky labels and other supplies
- order only a limited amount of supplies for a short period
- turn off the lights if you are the last one leaving
- when we are going to buy a new office machine we should chose the one which save energy
- use electronic storage rather than paper files